Friday, August 12, 2011

Now I know I don't have that many followers, but please folks, spread this info far and wide. Please!!

So Rick Perry is Running for President??


How about the fact that this is the scariest candidate outside of The Manchurian Candidate.

Spend some time with these articles.

From Talk2Action

Why Have the Apostles Behind Rick Perry's Prayer Rally Been Invisible to Most Americans?
Rachel Tabachnick printable version print page Bookmark and Share
Thu Aug 11, 2011 at 01:44:08 AM EST

The apostles and prophets of the New Apostolic Reformation shun a denominational or sectarian label of their organization and ideology. This aids stealth evangelism of other evangelicals.

Imagine if Gov. Rick Perry's prayer rally had been an all-day procession of Roman Catholic priests, or perhaps pastors from the Southern Baptist Convention. The sectarianism would have been obvious. It wasn't, at least to most people, because Americans are not familiar with the New Apostolic Reformation. Leaders of several "family values" organizations gave their blessings to the affair, but were also anxious to deny the sectarian nature of the event, even calling it a "generic call to prayer." Jim Garlow, who has worked closely with the NAR apostles for years, claimed he's "not familiar with the term New Apostolic Reformation," reported Sarah Posner in her coverage of the event. Why refuse to acknowledge a label well known to the movement? Or was Garlow trying to deny there is a movement?

The nation is now dotted with nondenominational churches and ministries with little outward identification of their particular ideology and associations. Many of these ministries are part of the New Apostolic Reformation. (continues at the link)



Disinformation and Misinformation - Becoming Educated About the New Apostolic Reformation
Rachel Tabachnick printable version print page Bookmark and Share
Fri Aug 12, 2011 at 06:05:59 PM EST

A week after his prayer rally, Rick Perry has thrown his hat in the ring for 2012. The disinformation (from those who know better) and the misinformation (from those who don't) is already flowing, concerning the apostles behind Perry's event. In the first category, Jim Garlow has claimed that he is not familiar with the term "New Apostolic Reformation" despite years of working with leading apostles.

[This is a continuation of the article Why Have the Apostles Behind Rick Perry's Prayer Rally Been Invisible to Most Americans?"]

In the second category is the person who wrote the title for an article at Salon using the phrase "Christian conspiracy group." (At many publications the title is not chosen by the author.) The NAR is not a "conspiracy group" just because readers aren't familiar with it. The New Apostolic Reformation is an egregiously underreported sector of the Religious Right - not a conspiracy.

Rick Perry is a savvy politician. We can assume he did not throw his lot in with this crowd because they are a conspiracy, but because they have a huge following and an excellent networking and communications system.

On the other hand, the apostles are not typical of conservative evangelicals, despite the low-key coverage of Perry's prayer event in most mainstream press. The Religious Right has been promoting a "dominionist" agenda for decades. But the apostles are unique in many aspects of their ideology and activism. Rick Perry may have been counting on the fact that most Americans would not be able to distinguish the apostles from any other conservative evangelicals.

There has been some excellent coverage, including from Forrest Wilder at the Texas Observer, and Paul Rosenberg at Alternet. (See Wilders interview on Democracy Now with Amy Goodman.) contributors have written over 150 articles on the NAR over the last three years.

There is no doubt. Perry's apostles are from a distinct movement that has been dubbed by its leadership as the New Apostolic Reformation, whether Jim Garlow will admit it or not. (continues at the link)


The Ideology and History of the New Apostolic Reformation
Rachel Tabachnick printable version print page Bookmark and Share
Fri Aug 12, 2011 at 01:07:13 AM EST

Following is a repost of an article from March, 2011 with a few additions. This is a short summary of the ideology and history of the New Apostolic Reformation.


The New Apostolic Reformation can now be defined as a distinct movement with a unique ideology. The leaders of the movement, called apostles and prophets, claim that this is the most significant change in Protestantism since Martin Luther and the Reformation. The stated goal of the NAR is to eradicate denominations and form a unified church that will be victorious against evil in the end times. Like many American fundamentalists, the apostles teach that the events of the end times are imminent, but unlike fundamentalists, the apostles see this as a time of great victory for the church.

Instead of escaping the earth (in the Rapture)* prior to the turmoil of the end times, they teach that believers will defeat evil by taking dominion, or control, over all sectors of society and government, resulting in mass conversions to their brand of Charismatic evangelicalism and a Christian utopia or "Kingdom" on earth. The end times narrative of the apostles is similar to that of the Latter Rain movement of the late 1940s and 1950s.

The Transformations movies, Transformation organizations worldwide, and the Seven Mountains campaign are promotional tools to market their methodology for taking Christian dominion over: arts; business; education; family; government; media; and religion. The apostles who lead in areas outside church are called Workplace or Marketplace Apostles.

The apostles teach that the obstacles to their envisioned Kingdom on earth are literal demonic beings who hold control over geographic territory and specific "people groups." They claim this demonic control is the reason why people of other religions refuse to become evangelized and that the demons are also the source of crime, corruption, illness, poverty, and homosexuality. Purging of the demons results in mass evangelization and eradication of social ills, as claimed in the Transformations, media. The apostles teach that their followers are currently receiving an outpouring of supernatural powers to help them fight these demons through what they call Strategic Level Spiritual Warfare (SLSW). (continues at the link)

And more...Mind my bolding at the end of this snippet

Five Points About Rick Perry's Prayer Rally Not Yet in Mainstream Press
Rachel Tabachnick printable version print page Bookmark and Share
Mon Aug 08, 2011 at 11:48:44 AM EST

Texas Governor Rick Perry closed his prayer rally on Saturday stating, "This is a day that people are going to discuss for years to come." Perry may have been talking about his own political aspirations, but I think his words may be prophetic in this case. We may have just seen the national debut of a new phase of political activism by the Religious Right that is the culmination of decades of planning. Following are five significant points about the rally that have not yet made it into mainstream press.

1. Significance of the 50-State "Prayer Warrior" Communication Networks

An analysis in the Washington Post read, "... organizing a prayer gathering in your home state isn't the same thing as winning votes in places like Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina." This article does not take into account the NAR's 50-state network of "prayer warriors." (NAR stands for New Apostolic Reformation.) At the moment there are three different national networks under the authority of Dutch Sheets, Cindy Jacobs, and John Benefiel. Both of the last two endorsed Perry's event.

There are well developed networks in Iowa and South Carolina, headed by Katherine Watsey and Frank Seignious, respectively. If "anointed" by the apostles as the candidate, Perry will automatically have a structure in place in these states in addition to his own campaign operation. I think that anointing may have taken place on Saturday.

2. Coded But Blatant Political Messaging

The political messages were blatant but "for the choir" only. Perry walked out onto the stage and gave his speech with C. L. Jackson and Apostle Alice Patterson by his side. There's a big story here.

C.L. Jackson is a prominent African American pastor and was a leading Houston Democrat. He publicly announced his embrace of the Republican Party at a 2002 Texas State Republican convention after seeing racial "reconciliation" activities (developed by NAR leaders) at the prayer meeting prior to the event. Since then he has worked to promote Perry to African American pastors with the aid of David Barton's revisionist histories that portray liberal Democrats as racist and conservative evangelicals as the champions of civil rights. (I'm not as familiar with Iowa, but in South Carolina there is a very aggressive campaign promoting this revisionist history to African Americans.)

Apostle Alice Patterson writes about this in detail in her 2010 book Bridging the Racial and Political Divide, the book that is the source of her quote about the "demonic structure behind the Democratic Party." Note that former head of the Texas Republican Party, Susan Weddington, is the Vice President and Director of Apostle Patterson's Justice at the Gate ministry. David Barton is the former vice-chair of the Texas Republican Party.

While the Tea Party is being described as racist, the NAR is developing a "rainbow religious right." The front row at Perry's event looked like the U.N. It was most certainly staged, considering the rest of the audience, but it was effective.

3. Changing Public Tone Toward Jews

John Hagee spoke, but Apostle Don Finto, former senior pastor of Belmont Church in Nashville, delivered the prayer for Israel. This is huge.

Finto is one of the most revered figures among the apostles and is at the center of an international network of support for Messianic Jews and missions to proselytize Jews in Israel and worldwide. They make Jews for Jesus look like amateurs. Finto wrote the manual for how Christian Zionists should befriend Jews and ingratiate themselves in Jewish communities. This book has been distributed through the Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem, the largest international Christian Zionist event in the world.
Finto openly prayed for conversion of Jews of the world in order to bring about Jesus' return. He then invited Messianic Rabbi Marty Waldman to join him at the microphone.

What this says to me is that the Religious Right thinks they can win with a multi-racial evangelical coalition of their own and to hell with Jews - quite literally. Or they figure that right-wing Jews and Israel single-issue voters are so besotted with Christian Zionists that they won't notice or care about this shift in tone.

(continues at the link)

So lets make sure folks are well aware that Rick Perry is far far MORE than Shrubby 2.0.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

I posted this article on my Facebook with unexpected results.

Facebook collides with the real world with interesting results. If you can see my facebook, Julie is an old high school friend of mine who's current views are occasionally...startling to me. The other commenters are friends from one of my forums.

Honestly though, how can anyone be so sheltered as to not realize that the rich pay a minimum of taxes. I just feel uncomfortable saying that the tax scheme that people think soaks the rich? The AMT...well...I pay it and I don't feel rich, like I don't feel like I can go drop a grand at Macy's and not care, we only have one car...

Lets put it this way. I'm still paying what George Carlin considered "All the taxes" So I can't be rich. I am however pissed!!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Why is it acceptable for the GOP to out and out SAY they are trying to destroy unions so they can destroy the funding of the democratic party?? How loudly they would scream if the Democrats even hinted this?? WHAT IS WRONG with these people????

Friday, February 25, 2011

How can any thinking woman vote GOP??

This is something I do noy understand in the least, particularly now.

The GOP is madly attacking Planned Parenthood. trying to defund it to save those poor aborted babies right?

Abortion constitutes 3% of the total services planned parenthood provides.

The majority of these services are instead for well woman care and contraception.

Contraception PREVENTS abortion!

So if you are opposed to contraception as well as abortion then I suppose I can see the vote for the GOP. I suppose you also think women aren't suited to look after themselves and choose who they have sex with? Oh and you are aware that if they manage to cut off access to contraception they also cut off access to sex for any man that doesn't want to father a child with that particular woman at that particular time.

I'm lucky, I'm older and I'm "fixed" so now all I have to do is worry about my three daughters ability to care for themselves in a nation that is viciously turning on half it's population.

My screaming rants are about the following...

I could go on all day...

Thursday, October 21, 2010

More Dominionism

Just in case you were thinking they went away.

Have fun!

Want Some Racism with Your Tea?

The NAACP Exposes Ties Between Tea Party and Racist Extremist Groups

The Tea Party movement has links to white supremacists, anti-immigration groups, "birthers" and other "extremists," according to new report.
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The Tea Party movement has links to white supremacists, anti-immigration groups, "birthers" and other "extremists," according to a report released by the Institute for Research and Education on Human Rights and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP).

The 94 page report, entitled Tea Party Nationalism (.pdf), investigates six national organizations "at the core" of the Tea Party: FreedomWorks Tea Party, 1776 Tea Party, Tea Party Nation, Tea Party Patriots, ResistNet, and the Tea Party Express.

"Based on their past allegations about the Tea Parties, I expect the NAACP's newest attack will once again be riddled with stupid and baseless accusations," said Project 21's Emery McClendon. "They are continuing to be the 'squeaky wheel' that demands attention and hopes that enough screaming will make their myths into fact. I hope the NAACP's 'research' receives the scrutiny it deserves."

"Here we go again," Judson Phillips, founder of Tea Party Nation, told the Kansas City Star. "This is typical of this liberal group’s smear tactics."

Although members of the Tea Party claim the movement is focused on dismantling an out of control federal government, reducing taxes, and balancing the budget, the report claims that the movement is permeated with concerns about national identity and race.


NICE: If your the one making up facts just accuse your opponent of doing it!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Christian Taliban on K Street, GOP your Crazy is showing!!

I have No Words!

Although I beg you to please spread the word about this craziness!!

Have fun reading, here's your teaser!!

Should Female Lobbyists Wear The Burqa?

By Jodi Jacobson, Editor-in-Chief, RH Reality Check

October 15, 2010 - 11:22am

Jodi Jacobson's picture

Will we soon see the enforcement of a burqa law on K Street?

Apparently not only is the far right group now commonly known as the Republican Party trying to impose Taliban-like laws and policies on women in the United States (limiting access to contraception and abortion, opposing paid sick leave, maternity leave, and fair pay, promising to repeal minimum wage laws and gut social security, questioning the need for insurance coverage of breast exams, maternity care and other women's health concerns, for example) they are now acting more and more like the men in ultra-orthodox religious societies. They've decided women are so dangerous and tempting to men that House Minority Leader John Boehner has, according to Erin Bradford writing in The Hill, "instructed male Republicans to avoid getting drunk and partying with female lobbyists or even meeting privately with them."